crypto as a service
Payment Service Providers
Enable merchants to accept digital assets payments without exposure
Trusted by the fastest companies in Europe
Get real time quote for digital assets to fiat pairs
We provide real time quote and exchange for many digital assets & fiat pairs so that you can price any item in any currency in real time.
Use our digital assets checkout frame
We’ve built a smooth digital assets checkout experience compatible with most of the wallets available in the market, you just need to embed it into your website.
Validate the source of funds to get in line with compliance requirements
Every wallet is scanned by our compliance service and flagged if there is any risk. The user is blocked before triggering the transaction.
Receive an alert when the payment succeeded
We send you a webhook when the funds are settled into your account so that you can validate the order. No chargeback!
Settle merchant in multiple currencies
Use our payout API to settle merchants in his preferred currency.
Leverage our compliance framework
Every address we send the funds to is first scanned by our compliance module. Our procedure are validated by the AMF and the FCIS.
Crypto native businesses
We handle all digital assets related operations, while you only hold fiat currencies. You're never exposed.
Multi Currencies
We provide multi digital settlement currency options, such as USDC, USDT, and ETH.
Compettitive Rates
Access the most favorable exchange rates using our market-making technology.
Rely on our AML/CFT policies and procedures. We're registered by both the AMF and FCIS.
Plug & Play
Go live in days instead of month using our checkout frame
Open a business account in 5 minutes.
Learn more about Nilos Platform
Efficient team management with role based access
Add new team members, secure your operations, configure individual access rights for your team and establish requests or approval processes to validate payments.
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Pay from anywhere to anywhere
Use any of your accounts to pay contractors, employees and suppliers anywhere in the world using local rails.
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Compliant and secure by design
Your account is a fortress. We've implemented complex algorithmic functions to keep you safe from theft and money laundering. Our AML processes are backed by the highest regulated entities in Europe (AMF & FCIS).
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Learn more about Nilos Infrastructure
Digital assets, made easy, for businesses
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